1 Wiltshire Ave. Unit 127 Toronto, ON M6N 2V7

OAC Recommender Grants

OAC Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators 

Theatre Direct is thrilled to be now welcoming applications from artists seeking support for the creation of new work. Artists may submit proposals for work aimed at young audiences, in its early stages of research and development.

About Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators

The Recommender Grants for Theatre Creators program is a third party recommender program that is generously funded by the Ontario Arts Council (OAC). This program assists professional Ontario-based individual theatre creators and collectives to create new work. The OAC has selected a group of professional companies to be recommenders and Theatre Direct is delighted to be among this group.


Applications are submitted through OAC’s online grant application system Nova. Before applying, you must create or update your profile in Nova.

Your application in Nova will include:

  • General information regarding the project; a concise summary of your proposed project (maximum 1 page).  This should include a description of the ideas/themes/questions you wish to explore, your specific development goals for this phase of the project, and the rationale for the amount requested.
  • C.V. (mandatory)
  • Script Sample
  • Your answers to application questions
  • Name of the recommender you are applying to
  • Resumes or biographies for the project’s principal artists
  • Supporting Artistic Material: Any material related to your proposed project, or if these aren’t available, a sample from a relevant previous work (e.g. written sample, photographs, or link to a short archival video clip)

Complete instructions and requirements are in the application in Nova. For help creating a profile or submitting an application in Nova, see the Nova User Guide.


We will give priority to applicants from OAC priority groups with emphasis on new generation artists proposing works in early stages of research and development.

Deadline: December 17, 2018

Application Inquiries

Angelo Pileggi
Production and Tour Coordinator
Theatre Direct Canada